Friday, October 3, 2008

Looks Like Me?

An unnamed Blog reader thinks this might make a nice avatar for me. Make sure you check the link to see what the design company wrote about this canvas to see why.

I actually prefer Our Lady of Abundant Caffiene.
I'll get even!


NCPat said...

I love these and chose one for myself! LOL

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Our Lady of Tattoos and Piercings?

Jane, ducking and running in CH

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

By the way, I haven't found the artist who does these but you can buy a huge selection of candles with these icons on the front. Here's my favorite, Our Lady of Abundant Chocolate!

NCPat said...

LOL! that will be the day!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Jane pictures NC Pat with tattoos and her naval pierced and giggles uncontrollably.

Love to Stitch 99 said...

Just read it and it is hysterical.

You are certainly an enabler in the good sense of the word :-)

That is pretty much how I think whenever I am bidding on ebay, hoping that I will get the item without breaking the bank doing it :-)

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Yes, I never bid on eBay without a firm sense of what I will pay and it is never that high. I rarely win anything but when I do, it's a real bargain.