Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final Thoughts on the Wizard

The wizard was my first standup piece and I'm very happy about how he turned out. There are things I wish were better--check out how the bottom of the wizard ripples a bit instead of being totally flat and look at the upper left side of the piece which is a bit dented where the stuffing has shifted.

I might have done better to have stuffed the wizard with stiff foam that I could cut instead of quilt batting that I packed in as tightly as possible followed by rocks in the base. He's fairly heavy and the owner will have to be careful in picking him up or the stitching will pull out eventually from the weight.

But overall I am very happy with him. I hope you enjoyed watching me stitch him and that you gained some ideas for your own stitching.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at


MNStitcher said...

stuffing stand-ups always required way more stuffing then you think. My advice - rip the batting into small pieces and stuff and stuff and stuff......I think you probably just needed more stuffing in the wizard. The standups are almost hard when you are done since they are so full of stuffing.

NCPat said...

We learn from each piece, and my opinion still stands that he is incredible!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, MN. You may be right. I stuffed him absolutely full of stuffing and it has still settled a bit. Not enough for me to open up the bottom and do it again, mind, but some.

Sort of like how we stuff ourselves at Thanksgiving dinner with turkey but there's still room for pie. LOL

Thanks for the nice comments, both of you.

Jane, obviously thinking ahead here in CH