Yesterday Pat in NC mentioned that eyelets might work for the blue boxes scattered among the pale dusty rose ones on The Geisha's shawl collar. I hadn't thought of that! My idea was to use a split Scotch stitch variation where the long middle stitch is turned into two short stitches with an unstitched place in the middle where I can put one of the pretty pink beads that came with my Squiggee canvas. Last night I worked more of the regular Scotch stitches in the background and did two blue boxes on the right lapel's bottom, one in a boxey eyelet that's really just tent and reverse tent stitches (my blue squares don't have a hole in the center; they have a thread intersection) and my Scotch variation. What do you think? Right now I'm leaning toward Pat's eyelet stitch....
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
I like the eyelet looking one. You can switch to a sharp needle and pierce the center thread. Since she is the main character, she can be "snazzy"!
My humble opinion would be the "eyelet" stitch with a bead in the center -- attached with a crossed stitch....
Edy in soon to be snowy NYC
Edy, that's exactly what I did! You shouldn't be humble when you are a Mind Reader.
Good luck with the snow. We will have cold and rain but no ice or snow unlike the folks who will get a white Christmas.
Pat, I hadn't thought of using a sharp needle in the center thread. I might try that next time. Of course I didn't get your message until after I'd placed little tent or reverse tent stitches all the way around the blue box sides!
LOL! I like the bead idea too!
Thanks. She is looking pretty durn good, but of course I'm not done yet.
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