I've been saving a special present for you for Christmas--Anne Stradal has a blog!
Right now she is alternating photos of her Christmas designs with an explanation of how to transfer a black and white line drawing to NP canvas and then how to create texture and light/shadows on a piece with just black and white threads. It's fascinating reading. Go to the bottom of the blog and click on Earlier Posts, then start reading from the bottom forward to the top page.
I hope you enjoy this special holiday visit to Cape Cod and Anne. By the way, the little ornament above is from her website and there's a link to the front door on the upper left hand corner of her blog.
Merry Christmas, Anne!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Right now she is alternating photos of her Christmas designs with an explanation of how to transfer a black and white line drawing to NP canvas and then how to create texture and light/shadows on a piece with just black and white threads. It's fascinating reading. Go to the bottom of the blog and click on Earlier Posts, then start reading from the bottom forward to the top page.
I hope you enjoy this special holiday visit to Cape Cod and Anne. By the way, the little ornament above is from her website and there's a link to the front door on the upper left hand corner of her blog.
Merry Christmas, Anne!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
That is great! Thanks for sharing!
You are quite welcome!
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