I hope to finsh laying the black Japanese flat silk on The Geisha's wig today. Once I have all the stitches in, I will need to add her hair ornaments. Here is what the plain canvas looks like. I have a xerox copy and scans of it to use as reference material so that I can put everything where it belongs once I stitch on top of the painted areas and see the pattern of the beads. I may add to this, of course, but I like the original placement so I am very glad I have all the copies of the original painting of the canvas I need!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Looking forward to seeing how you do this. Are you using all beads?
I'm using a lot of beads, but I'm using two metallic threads also. I should have a photo ready tomorrow....
Art is something that is really completely out of the ordinary for me.. It is the flame that puts out the shame and heartache that my day went through. It is a beautiful thing. Yet at the same time it can mind boggle a soul into thinking something completely different. What I love bout art, is that you envision your own meaning behind the creativity of the art itself. Your imagination can take you many places and only in your imagination can you be in two happy places at once :)
Beautiful. Thanks, Heroic.
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