The painting on the left is Mary, Queen of Scots, the spiritual ancestor of needlepointers today. She's five years old in the portrait, which comes from the Mary, Queen of Scots website.
I've been following with great interest the development of Elmsley Rose's blog. ER is stitching a sampler of Elizabethean stitches and gives source material and nice photos of her sampler as it develops. I am no historical reproduction stitcher, but I can certainly admire what she is doing. It's fascinating to watch, especially since if Queen Mary herself showed up to read ER's blog, she'd recognize the stitching and feel right at home.
If you get addicted to period stitching, you'll want to follow Plimoth Plantation's stitching of an Elizabethean jacket. These are the folks who commissioned the new Gilt Sylke Twist thread which is now available for those special touches on your needlework.
Jane Zimmerman's new website has been fun to watch also. She doesn't just do geometric samplers in needlepoint, she has written a great many articles on stitching throughout history and a lot of them are appearing on her website.
If you want to take a fascinating class on Elizabethean stitching, you can't go wrong by having Carole Lake visit your guild. Check these out. The first link is a one-day class, the second four full days of fun and history.
Those who don't know their own history are doomed to miss out on a lot!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
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