ANG has finally been able to post a charted version of their Stitch of the Month (SOTM) project on their website. If you want to stitch The Glittering Kimono along with Tony Minieri but you aren't comfortable printing out a line drawing, enlarging it, and tracing it onto 18 count needlepoint canvas, visit this link.
To see the 2009 Stitch of the Month project (a new stitch each month makes up this fabulous kimono pattern) head to ANG's website and pick the 2009 entries.
The April stitch (Nobuko Variant) just went up and you see my rendition of it above, stitched in one strand of mauve-pink Impressions, color # 2054. If you are wondering why my stitch is turned sideways, I found it easier to stitch this way. Turned upright the way Tony diagrammed it, I kept missing the count. I finally turned the canvas 1/4 turn so that the left side was on top and stitched Nobuko Variant in vertical rows. Of course you have to turn your diagram also, and you see it turned to the side the same way in the photograph.
It's very pretty. I was a bit worried that Impressions would be too thick for congress cloth (I wanted to use ecru canvas but I didn't have any 18 count) but it looks good. Since this is a mystery project and we don't know what it looks like, I am just posting photos of the various stitched sections for now. Once more of the kimono is filled in, I'll show you more of what my version looks like.
Kudos to ANG for talking the lovely lady who charted this pattern into letting them use it on the website and for tracking down Tony Minieri (who was on the road teaching) for permission to chart his pattern for the counted thread crew!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
I can't wait to see more of this! Very nice colors!
Thanks, Pat. I think I don't have enough contrast between my mauve and my mauve pink but since I like the colors, away we go!
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