UPDATE: I got an email from Larri yesterday with information about the stitch & zip projects she's worked. It was so interesting that I talked her into letting me post it here. So, let me introduce Larri, who wrote:
"Don't know if you've ever stitched any of these before....if you haven't thought I'd let you know my experiences.
Have done several....they were great little projects for my to take when I'm with my Mom at the nursing home, when I take her for dr. appointments, etc. Don't have to think and they're easy to carry.
First one was a glass case and used the threads that came with it, included some metallics and even though the instructions say not to stripped the floss, I did anyway. No difference that I could see stripping vs. not stripping. Used the metallic threads it came with and they got caught on everything in my purse and hated having to work with 6 plies without a laying tool.
Have stitched a makeup case with Silk and Ivory instead of the floss and that didn't work out well because the thread has pilled from rubbing other things in my purse.
Last one I did I used perle cotton and that one has been great. No problem with it at all. Has held up beautifully.
Larri quotes what Jane said--'Tips--unfold the edges of the NP canvas before you start to stitch so you don't have to stitch through two layers. If you squint you can see the raw edge of the canvas sticking up in the photo. This is turned under when you finish stitching. I'll tack it down when I finish the background stitching to keep it neat.'
I have stitched through both layers as it prevents the canvas from fraying.
Have used all 3 in my purse for years...one holds my makeup...one holds change and misc. receipts and one is for my sunglasses. I didn't line the inside and have had no problems with anything catching on the inside.
Love the look of silk but have been reluctant to try that because of losing the sheen with it rubbing against other things. Will be interested to know how that holds up.
Just thought you might want to know my experience."
Thanks, Larri! I'm happy to add your thoughts to help out folks who are considering a stitch & zip project.
Last night the Basketweave Marathon continued, but I wasn't working on the background for Holi the "Tudor" Dog pet guardian angel. Instead, I was working the background on a coin purse-sized Stitch & Zip project. I noticed one of my nieces was working on a small interlock canvas of a unicorn at Thanksgiving, so for her birthday I bought the coin purse design above. The kit came with a needle, some DMC floss in the colors needed, and instructions. The coin purse front can be unzipped most of the way from the back so you can stitch it, then you re-zip it together and use. It's on 14 count interlock canvas and isn't particularly well painted but that only matters when it comes to the white rectangles in the border and I'm stitching those. I plan to stitch the black background and the white rectangles, then send along some Kreinik metallic and Trebizond silk instead of the DMC floss so she can stitch the hearts herself in a nice thread without having to worry about the plies. The white rectangles are Kreinik's 032 pearl white color using 1/16 inch ribbon and the black basketweave is done with three plies of black Broder wool.
What I like about this project is that it will be a practical gift my niece can use and with the pretty design and silk and metallic threads, I hope she'll find it attractive enough to want to try another project later, perhaps a larger Stitch & Zip or even a small Lee coin purse design with a tiny 18 count canvas to insert.
What I don't like is the stiff feel of the interlock canvas itself, the sloppy silk screened design (my white squares are various sizes and the count between squares is off in places), and the fact that it is hard to stitch around the edge where the canvas meets the zipper.
Tips--unfold the edges of the NP canvas before you start to stitch so you don't have to stitch through two layers. If you squint you can see the raw edge of the canvas sticking up in the photo. This is turned under when you finish stitching. I'll tack it down when I finish the background stitching to keep it neat.
When this is finished the back side of the needlepoint will be in contact with whatever goes into the coin purse so you do have to be careful with loose ends on the rear side that might snag or pull out with use. If I were stitching this for myself, I'd probably cover the back side with a piece of fabric, just to be neat and prevent snags.
Most of the smaller and cheaper Stitch & Zip kits are from Alice Peterson.
Sophia has some beautiful and high quality stitch and zip purses as well, but they are too sophisticated for a pre-teen to carry and too expensive for a beginner's project.
Now it's back to the Basketweave Marathon for me!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
I keep a Stitch N Zip in my purse as my emergency I've got time to kill project. But I've never stitched one that had a geometric on it. Only florals, where where you stitch what doesn't really matter.
I think this is a very thoughtful gift.
I hope my niece enjoys it. The gift of stitching can be a lifelong treat!
I found one of the stitch and zip projects on sale at Michael's. Alas, it is still sitting in my stash. But one day soon it will make it to daylight!
I think I have one of these in my stash as well! good to know.
I finished the white rectangles and the basketweave background last night. Today I'll cut the replacement threads to substitute for the ones that came with the kit and wrap it for mailing tomorrow. Everyone cross your fingers the gift recipient enjoys this!
For Christmas last year, I gave my 6 teenage nieces Stitch n Zip coin purses that I had stitched for them. I used the threads provided, but broke up the boredom by using decorative stitches where they would fit in. I did the one you've pictured, plus others with hearts and stars and flowers. I have done others for myself, and use the larger size pouch as my traveling jewelery case.
I bet they make great (and practical) gifts. Thanks for letting us know, Sally.
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