It's the first of the month and Amy Bunger has the June newsletter up on her website.
As usual there's a stitcher's profile, a stitch of the month diagrammed for you, a glimpse of Amy's own stitching (the elephant for the Kelly Clark Nativity set she is doing as a monthly club class is amazing), and much more. I grabbed a typical before and after image from the What's New section of her website to illustrate this article as an introduction for those who aren't familiar with Amy's stitching. The top is the bare canvas and the bottom canvas is what Amy did with it. The canvas is by Beth Hunt/Damarj and can be purchased from the Oriental canvases page if you are interested. I think all Beth Hunt canvases come with a stitch guide by Amy so you can recreate the effect yourself and learn something interesting from a master stitcher.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
It took me a minute to figure out these are chopsticks! LOL
I should have titled this Amy Eats Chinese. LOL
I thought they were rowing oars.
I knew they were chopsticks because Amy has done stitch guides of a series of these canvases, some with just pairs of various colors, some with sushi and a plate.
You see what you expect to see, I guess.
I selected the Black Chopstitcks as something new for Amy's website on her "What's New?", even though, they aren't "really" knew ... more like new 'cause they were forgotten. But those who see them in person see the great techniques from Amy, and realize they can do it too. The Stitch Guides answer any questions! Thanks for noticing, Jane. Robin
Thanks for the information, Robin. I know they've been out a while but they are a perfect illustration of a fairly easy project that looks spectacular with Amy's magic. I think they are a good choice for What's New.
I loved seeing them myself but you know how I love Asian themes in my NP.
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