I worked a bit more on the dark shadow underneath the bar last night. It's not done yet but I need to point out several things. First, look at the shadows on the left side of the dog's legs in the foreground. See the diagonal line? That's what happens when you use an overdye (my Wildflowers is very dark brown, black and charcoal) in basketweave. I left this in when I saw it developing to give the illusion something is there, a shadow or a bar stool leg. Later on I clustered the charcoal area by switching to regular continental stitch. You'll see that tomorrow.
I plan to use another stitch for the floorboards so I am basketweaving (with some side ventures into continental) the dark shadow under the bar out until the shadow stops. The same thread and stitch will be on the wooden siding under the window. However, I will use a slanting stitch for the raised siding areas that separate the panels. Clear as mud?
The other thing I wanted to mention is about photo formats. I used the very same photo today as in the last blog entry ("Brown"). Today's version is a jpeg. Yesterday's is a png photo. I need a favor. Could some folks look at each and tell me which photo is better before it is enlarged and after? PNG files are bigger and take longer to upload. I don't want to use them here unless the photo quality is a lot better than the more normal jpeg. But I need your opinions as to what looks better on a variety of machines.
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Jane, This piece is coming along nicely!
As for the photos, I like the jpg, because it enlarged more on my machine. The quality of the image is great!
Thanks for the hugs, by the way. E's babbling happily away this morning, none the worse for wear after yesterday.
Hi Jane,
I can see the jpg in a higher zoom in the jpg format over the png format....much closer. They were both very sharp though. I viewed both using a 21" Samsung flatscreen. Denise
Thanks, Denise. Looks like the jpg is a better choice since the original is smaller and quicker for me to upload. We'll see what everyone else says....
Jeanne, thanks for letting me know that you are with Denise in thinking the jpg zooms better. Good to know!
Congratulations on having E home safely. I'm telling you, kids take these things in stride. It's the parents who are wrecks!
Hi Jane,
Robin on a Mac here: the PNG measures 5"W x 4" H. The JPG measures 12" W x 10" H. Quality of the JPG holds up great for that size. You know we love to get our noses close to the stitching, so I vote for the JPG. I'm spoiled by the 30" monitor; it's my version of "close-up" glasses. We thank you for being so considerate! Robin
I prefer the JPG better also. And for the same reasons Jeanne and Denise said. So why did I bother responding when they already did? Because I wanted to, so there! :P At first I zoomed on the picture of the thread and then decide that it made absolutely no sense to compare the picture of the thread with the picture of the canvas. (It's early here in my world) So then I went back and looked at yesterday's blog and saw another picture and it was the canvas picture, so I clicked on it. Now, off to the grocery store if I can just step away from the computer.
Jane, I am adding my "the jpg is better." It enlarges better on the screen. Both are clear, but the png does not get a lot larger.
Jane, not much to chose between the before pics but the jpeg zooms to a much bigger more detailed pic for me (using Firefox) the PNG zoom is hardly any bigger than the original.
That is looking great! I love the expression on the dog's face at the bar! The jpg enlarged better for me as well.
Today's photo (7/17) enlarges better.
Thanks for your comments, everybody. Looks like jpegs are better for Blog (although I probably should do another test with one photo in each blog entry to make sure).
By the way, we all hope Nancy makes it to the grocery store. Gotta stock up on goodies to eat (or heat) while you browse the Internet you know!
Also agree that the jpeg is better!
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