Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Sort of Stitching Do You Do?

For the last week I've had a poll on Blog, asking folks about what sort of stitching they do the most of.  It's time to remove the poll but I thought I'd save the results so I'd remember just who is sitting in the audience, munching popcorn and waving occasionally as I talk and talk and talk.  (Thanks for listening, by the way!)

One hundred eighty-four folks stitch painted canvases more than anything else.  That's 61 percent of the total vote.

Seventy-four do a lot of counted canvaswork (25 percent).

One person says she does half painted and half counted and couldn't decide between them.

Thirteen are confirmed cross stitchers, which is 4 percent.

Five percent of the audience, 17 people, do counted canvaswork.

Eight of you do embroidery or crewel.  That's 2 percent.

And finally one person does either knitting, quilting or lace-making as their primary needle art.  (Hi, Susan!)  That rounds out the group at less than one percent.

Remember, approximately 800-900 folks visit Blog a day in the summer, so this may not be a representative sample.

Thank you all for taking the time to let me know just who you are.  Regardless of what sort of hand work you do, we are all dedicated to furthering the needle arts, so I am very happy to have everyone stop by.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


MeganH said...

Even as a c16-17 embroiderer, who doesn't touch modern work or canvas work, I often find an interesting tidbit to read in here :-)
And you're such a lovely lady, as well - it's a pleasure to read your blog.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Megan, that's a wonderful compliment. Thank you!

Suzy Lee said...

I couldn't vote either... I always have one counted canvas, one painted canvas and one counted cross stitch in rotation so I don't get bored.


The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Another multi-tasking stitcher! You'll never ever be bored, Suzy Lee.