Saturday, October 1, 2011

Halloweenies on Display (and on Sale) UPDATED

Robin King has posted a lovely roundup of all the finished Halloweenies from Amy Bunger's class last year.  Aren't they wonderful?!  There's a link to Amy's October 2011 newsletter in the article, by the way.

By coincidence I got a message from a friend last night who has taken stock of her stash and decided she probably isn't going to live to be 412, so she has decided to sell her Halloweenies set (the house, the characters, threads, Amy's stitch guide and some incidentals like the glitter used on the moon) for $1100 which is a little more than half of the total price if they are all purchased from Amy Bunger's shop.  The price includes shipping and insurance and the set is pristine, with not a stitch taken.  If you are interested, email me at chilly hollow at hotmaildotcom and I'll forward your message on to the seller.

UPDATE:  The Halloweenies set has been sold and will be on its way to a new home shortly.  Many thanks to everyone who responded.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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