Tapestry Fair Booth Closeup |
Peggi of Tapestry Fair (who is distributing Pocito and Belleza the Day of the Dead ladies I'm working on) wrote me several messages over the weekend, reporting on what she saw at Market. She's given me permission to share with you and even sent photos which she was given permission to take and pass on to Blog. By the way, the two photos of the Tapestry Fair booth have been posted on Facebook, but Peggi let me repost them here for those who don't have FB accounts so you can see what their booth looks like. Without further ado, here is Peggi in her own words--
Collection of Designs Stockings |
"The TF booth was mobbed this morning, so I didn't get out to look at the show until after lunchtime. I'm only half finished with the needlepoint side, but have seen some really good stuff (including your canvas in Leigh's booth!). Janet at Collection of Designs has a new line of ornament stockings on #13 that are wonderful. Four different colorways of perfectly painted Christmas balls on a white background filled with gold and silver stars (snowflakes?). Rebecca Wood has some beautiful stocking cuffs - very detailed, but a lot less stitching than a full stocking. From Shelley Tribbey, adorable jack in the box ornaments for different holidays, which include the little figurine that pops out of the box. Melissa Shirley has the finished crow on display, and it is even better than I imagined it would be. And, her little insects, finished in shadow boxes are amazing. No eye candy - ran off after the show for dinner with the Family Arts group and left the camera at the show - sorry. Still lots of booths to see, and from what I've scanned while dashing around they should be equally as good as what I've seen so far. Will try to get more details to you tomorrow."
Yoritomo from Leigh Designs' Shogun Series |
"Hi again - That was a rather large background on Yoritomo. [Peggi's talking about my Shogun Yoritomo for Leigh Designs, shown above.] In the earlier days of Tapestry Fair we did a set of 3 geishas with similar large white backgrounds without giving any thought to the poor stitcher. I still have the originals, but if I ever bring them back I'll repaint and try to resolve that problem. BTW, I did get a chance to see Barbara Elmore's mystery canvas and it is really wild, but she probably wants to reveal the photo herself. And, Sharon G's owls and pussycats are fantastic in person. She also brought along her pens....they were always some of my personal favorites.
More of the Tapestry Fair Booth |
A lot of us veteran designers have decided that bringing some of our older pieces out of retirement isn't such a bad idea - just because it isn't new doesn't mean it isn't good. I hung some of my really old canvases just because I like them and was pleased to see how many of them sold."
Old World Designs' Beaded Star |
"Here are the photos I promised you. First are the Collection of Design stockings that I mentioned yesterday (and already ordered). I think these are really elegant, and very unique.
Old World Designs' Beaded Packages |
Secondly, the beaded embellishments from One World Buttons that we displayed on some of our canvases (3 photos). [These beaded ornaments that Peggi is using on her canvases aren't on the Old World Buttons website so I asked her for photographs.] And finally, a photo of part of our booth.
Old World Designs' Beaded Ornaments |
I'll try to snap a few more tomorrow - today was pretty hectic, and I still have two more rows of needlepoint to see before ordering. Guess I spent too much time socializing with old friends today and catching up on news. That's it for now - time to crash..."
Sweet dreams, Peggi. Thanks!
Anyone curious about Tapestry Fair can browse their website.
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
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