Here's another poll, this one about the two slide shows I posted this morning. As I mentioned, the free software that I used for slide shows has been purchased by Google, which is shutting it down early next month, so I have to find other software to use. It has to be a) free, b) store the photos somewhere else than a Google account since my Google account photo storage for Blog isn't limitless and c) be something all Blog visitors can use.
I came up with two choices: Smilebox (that's the slide show with the lovely graphics that is embedded in the posting) and Picassa (which is the one with the URL you click to go see the slide show elsewhere). I just posted a poll asking which you prefer. Each has its pros and cons but I am interested in which you like best. So tell me what you think, please!
Note that the Smilebox graphics hide some of the canvases and the ULR slide show doesn't. Does that make a difference to you?
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
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I don't like Picasa much. It also reminds me of all those cross stitch patterns that are clear copyright violations
So true. I am not wild about Picasa but Blogger plays well with it, which is always important.
Smilebox did not open up in blog. It took me to a separate page to load (twice, slowly) before playing. Over the years, I've not had a problem accessing Picasa -- and would like to see the full graphic when possible. I understand the copyright violation concern - wish there was an easy answer for that.
Another potential benefit of Picasa for you, Jane, might be a more accurate count of visitors to the blog. True confession: I worry I have been inflating your numbers because I use your excellent blog list to read several others, which open in the same window and then I have to click back to you to get to the next. The good news is that as of last week, I did figure out a shortcut to open the blogs in new windows, so if your numbers drop ... it's me!!
(And, yes, my lovely Asian Sampler is finished and waiting to go to the finisher. Soon!)
Meg van den Berg
Meg, remember to take lots of photos of the Asian Sampler. I am dying to see how it turned out. Do some before it is framed because it is much harder to see details under glass, please!
Thanks for pointing out the pluses and minuses of each type of slide show. So far most folks want the flash of Smilebox but it is very slow loading for quite a few folks.
The number count is only approximate as anyone who reads Blog via a reader isn't counted as far as I can find out. I just like to know trends, not actual numbers. I use the numbers to gauge interest in types of postings and to plan what to say in the future. For example, interviews are a ton of work and if folks didn't read them in huge numbers, I wouldn't bother.
So I am not worried if you drop my numbers. It's trends I am interested in, not an accurate count.
Again, don't forget photos of your Asian piece!
I use Picassa myself, but was unable to open your slideshow from the link. It said File Not Available. The Smilebox opened (sloooowly). I did not like that there is no Stop button, it just keeps repeating till you close it. The pix are clear and sharp, but I worry about the copyright problem. I have a large monitor & the pix are huge & would be easy to copy.
Oh no, what it actually said on the Picasa website which did open was "Sorry, that page was not found."
Well, durn. I found it. Wonder if Picasa has "issues"?
I hadn't thought about copyright problems. Of course one would have to be very very motivated to try and copy the realistic pieces I prefer, but small ornaments are probably another issue. Thanks for pointing this out!
That was my concern too, Jane.
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