Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crewel Embellishment

I suppose it was certain to happen one day, but I was still surprised to read Mary Corbet's latest book review. She posted a peek inside Crewel Twist, a new book on crewel embroidery by Hazel Blomkamp just published in the UK. (It'll be available in other countries soon.)  What's unique about a book about crewel?  The designs are done in cotton floss and use beads.  It's not just a wool on linen technique any more!

It even looks to me as if the cover page design includes paillettes.  Mary includes enough photographs from the book to show off how well beads replace French knots and tie down stitches, and how elegant crewel is in shades of gray.  I am happy to see someone take traditional crewel in a new direction while keeping true to its history and spirit.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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