Sunday, March 11, 2012

Orna's Design Adventure

Orna's Silky Safari
Orna Willis says she gets lots of questions about how she creates her colorful geometric designs, so she has decided to start explaining. Here's Part One.

By the way, she has posted a new tartan-inspired design on her blog.

If you have not visited Orna's website recently, it's time.  She has been busy adding new designs, stitching old favorites in new colors, and adding past seminar classes (like Silky Safari in the photo above) to her available designs and kits.  In person her things are gorgeous.  The vibrant colors in the photographs do not convey the liveliness, movement and dimension her designs have in person.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


palma said...

I couldnt resist and got the Safari one (along with some others) and the colors are just amazing

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I've saw Orna's designs in person at the 2001 Seminar. The colors are wonderful in person. The photos on her website don't do them justice.