Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Interesting Techniques from Japan Etc.

Most needlepointers aren't exclusively stitching with tapestry needles on NP canvas. Most of us know how to embroidery, occasionally do a bit of crewel, are studying Japanese embroidery, know how to knit, etc.   Even if we don't know much about other forms of needlework, we appreciate it and like to know more about how it is done. After all, lots of knitting yarns, stumpwork techniques, etc. have made their way from other types of needle work into the World of Needlepoint.  In the spirit of such curiosity, here is a story about an online eBook about icon embroidery, which involves the fascinating use of split stitch to create faces.  You can read the review and see if there's anything interesting to you and then follow the links to see more.

Not everyone loves DMC colors in just the same way.  Are you familiar with Stephen Beal and his DMC inspired poems?  He does lovely embroidery as well but the only image I found online is the second piece in the second link below, from the Wall Street Journal.

Are you intrigued by Japanese Embroidery?  Then this brief description of a trip to a embroidery studio in Japan is right up your alley.

Ever heard of kumihimo braiding?  This is a Japanese technique for making braids.  Recently Bedecked and Beadazzaled had a class about kumihimo.  There's even a video here if you are curious about the Top Right Down/Bottom Left Up/Turn technique Ruth describes.

I'm not sure this is actually a technique, but you will enjoy the special finishing that Quail Run arranged for this Nativity set.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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