Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Her Royal Highness Comes to Life UPDATED

Mary Ruth Erica just posted a progress report on her Queen Elizabeth I piece she is stitching through a Shining Needle Society cyberclass with Gay Ann Rogers.  Doesn't this look great?!

You can see other versions of the First Elizabeth, some finished and some underway, on Gay Ann Rogers' website.  Don't miss the additional photos on the second page.

UPDATE:  Here is more about the class, along with another student's progress.

Sorry, Mary Ruth and Erica!  I mixed you up in the rush to publish!

Jane, hanging her head in shame in CH (sigh)

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Erica said...

I'm sure that's Mary Ruth who posted progress, not me. :-) Much as I love Elizabeth, I've not yet signed up for the cyberclass. :-)

mary ruth in NC said...

Jane, I know that you know that I am not Erica. Thanks for the link to my Elizabeth.
Love you,
Mary Ruth