Sunday, September 2, 2012

Interviews: Inspirations Magazine Editor

In the world of stitching magazines, Inspirations is the most talked about and it probably has one of the widest circulations. All embroiders read it and many subscribe. It's not something that comes my way often (the laughable bookstore here doesn't carry it as far as I know although it is possible that they only get a few copies that are always sold out before I check) but the interview with the editor of the magazine that The Unbroken Thread did is fascinating.  What a lot of work goes into these things!

Makes me appreciate Needlepoint Now and Needle Pointers even more!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Anonymous said...

Inspirations is no longer sold on the newsstand, only through subscription. Wooly Thread sells it by single issue and subscription in this country, or you can order it directly from Country Bumpkin. Sandi

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks for the subscription information, Sandi. That explains why I never see it locally any more. I think you can buy individual issues through Needle in a Haystack, at least you used to be able to. It's worth checking all these places if one wants a sample issue to see if a subscription is something that would please one.