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Jude Designs' Christmas Alligator |
Melinda's grateful for her family and Gives Thanks in a special way.
Me, I am immersed in Christmas prep. For the first time ever the grandkids will be here Christmas morning. I have been spring cleaning since early October when we learned they were coming. We are also trying to finish renovation projects we started before we knew we'd have company. I've refinished three pieces of furniture and have three-four more to do before 12/25. All this means I have been too busy to stitch on my Day of the Dead lady. She's put safely away in a closet while I paint various areas of the house. That doesn't mean I am not stitching at all. I pulled out this darling Christmas ornament form Jude Designs to keep me company evenings after I collapse from a day's physical labor. I don't have to document what I stitch in a guide and I don't have to make it perfect. This is just for my entertainment and relaxation. Here's Jude's website. I love her Cajun and New Orleans designs!
The Christmas alligator is on 18 count canvas. I drew a four inch circle around the animal to mark off the background I will stitch. You might see the blue lines in the above photo if you squint.
Stitching the Christmas 'gator also keeps my mind off Beloved, who decided to replace the toilet in the main floor bathroom before company arrived. You guessed it--the little half bath we use more than any other is now gutted after he discovered a leak and had to remove the vinyl flooring and replace some of the subflooring. I will be priming those walls after a short Thanksgiving trip to see my mother. The new vanity sink will arrive this week. I have no idea where we'll put it while Beloved tiles the bathroom floor but I suppose we'll think of something. He also plans a drop ceiling and new lights and of course the baseboard had to be torn out and will be replaced after the floor is tiled.
Beloved would also like to replace the kitchen sink. Over my dead body.
But despite all the work, I am grateful his family is coming to visit. Anyone want to clean out another kitchen cabinet while I sand that new chest of drawers? If you prefer you can wax the double rocker and the dogs both need a good brushing before I bathe them....
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
Fun piece to read today! Happy Thanksgiving, Jane! XOXO
Glad you think so. Are you volunteering to come over and help with the chores? Didn't think so but I am DESPERATE.
Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours in Chilly Hollow, Jane! Giving thanks to you for keeping us all in the loop on the happenings in the needlepoint world!
I feel your pain Jane, my beloved decided to replace our bathroom faucets and do the installation himself. Modern day fixtures don't replace quite as easily when you are fitting them into 40 year old spaces and plumbing! Please get plenty of rest in between your chores so that you can enjoy your company when they arrive! I'm most grateful for your blog which I read everyday.
Wow, all I can say is wow! Please try to save some energy for the visit! I will keep you, your beloved, and your efforts in my prayers.
Thanks everyone. I had to laugh at Cindy's husband wrestling old plumbing and new faucets. Been there, hire a plumber for that now. Thanks for the good wishes, folks. Hopefully once company arrives we will have a great time.
I am so impressed by your versatility and how many different things you and your husband are working on! You are my new hero and idol! Sending you warm wishes for completion before the family arrives. And, if you do need help, I can come over during weekends in December. I don't know how to do any of this, but I'm willing to be an apprentice/helper and learn. (((Hugs!!!)))
Thanks, Goldy. We don't know how to do all of this either, but with patience and determination we figure it out. We are on track to have everything ready by the time our company comes. Keep your fingers crossed!
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