Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Needlepointers Need Namaste

Written by Nimble Needle.

Sorry, I'm feeling silly this morning. I think it is a To Do List taller than I am combined with the five pieces of fudge that won't fit into the decorative tin cookie tin.  I ate them all!

Seriously, these tool and project containers are a great gift idea.

Jane, overdosing on the holidays in CH

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Anne Bloom said...

Frankly you did the only sensible thing with the non-fitting fudge! Have a wonderful Christmas and Advent season.

Goldylox99 said...

I know how you feel! I have "To Do" lists for work, shopping, home, and stitching! Not to mention all the wonderful blogs, emails, and FB posts to read and further set me back from my goals. I am right there with you and Anne on the fudge - must eat it if it won't fit in the tin. I made chocolate fudge, chocolate nut fudge, and peanut butter fudge at Thanksgiving and while quite consternated when they all fit in their respective tins. *Heavy Sigh* ;-) Sending great thoughts to whip through your lists with merry aplomb!