Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stitching Portraits

A lot of folks find stitching faces hard, so when I saw this posting by Quail Run of a tribute to the stitcher's mother, I had to put it here for everyone to see.

I've also got an interesting article about how to make stitched eyes look more realistic.  It illustrates just how much impact one stitch has on facial expression.

I encourage you to go slowly with faces and rip out until you get it just right, especially since it probably is just a few stitches that are giving you the effect you don't want.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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