Friday, June 7, 2013

Excuse Me While I Grind My Teeth

No one keeps up with local news better than Barbara Bergsten and she shares what she finds on Facebook with all her stitching friends. Nice!

Sadly, this story from the biggest newspaper in Charlotte, NC makes me grind my teeth.  "Lost art of needlepoint"?  I prefer to say we are stitching under the radar.

Bet the stitching group at Po's Point are half amused and half embarrassed at the reporter's article, but I suppose if it brings more stitchers out of the woodwork, we can stand for needlepoint to be called "lost."

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


Liz Morrow said...

Couldn't agree more! Lost art indeed!

Needlepoint.Com said...

I saw this article & thought the same thing. Thank you for stating it!

Marilyn Owen said...

I am more amused by the thought that Molly is working on a replacement brother-in-law. I guess she decided if he lost the first stocking in the hurricane, he didn't deserve another stocking. Perhaps their free-lance writer should try to revive the lost art of writing.

Erica said...

Clearly this was written by someone who is completely clueless. Did you notice the caption on the photograph says 'Great ties bind this local knitting group together.'.... KNITTING??????? Good grief!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I saw that. Captions are written by someone else probably so I imagine they didn't read the article, just tossed some words together.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I think it might be too late for the writer to figure out the English language.