Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Light, New Thread UPDATED

There are lots of new products that probably won't be at the Columbus trade show so I thought I'd dedicate a posting to new things I've heard of that some from the world of quilting or machine embroidery.  The first is a brand new thread from Sulky.  Sulky creates threads on spools for sewing machines but many of their threads work quite well on needlepoint canvas.  I always browse the limited selection of Sulky threads carried at my local JoAnn's Fabrics, looking for an elusive color that I don't have at home.  Needlework Retailer says Sulky has a new cotton thread that is the same diameter of two plies of cotton floss.  It's marketed as a way to stitch without stripping floss.

In this larger photo it looks like a lightly twisted perle cotton.  It's not something I'd spend a lot of money on but it might be just the thing for a specialty project.  If your local shops carry machine embroidery thread, this might be worth looking for.

The other new product I have today is a three way LED lamp from Stella Lighting.  It comes in a floor or table version and the thing about it is that you can switch among three different types of light, each suitable for a different task.  Here are the details in case this is just up your alley.

UPDATE:  NIAH has posted a review of this new lamp.

So has Mary Corbet.

UPDATE #2:  Needle Nook of La Jolla is introducing the lamps and has a video of all three styles (table, floor and clamp on).

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Sulky thread is wonderful to work with! I loved my samples that I worked up for the magazine. It would be great for a darning pattern or a light background. I have seen it in many needlepoint shops in their own specially made gravity racks. You should give it a try! They also make a holograohic shimmer thread in some really great colors...