Saturday, June 1, 2013

Over One Over Linen

I am strictly a needlepointer who appreciates other forms of handwork but doesn't dabble in them.  However, I think I am in a minority here as many of my stitching friends do all types of stitching.  In case you are in that number, or are considering a temporary detour into stitching on linen, I thought you might enjoy this link, which comes from Gay Ann Roger's classroom where students are comparing stitching some of her designs on linen versus Congress cloth.  As you may or may not know, creating cross stitches over one thread instead of over a pair of threads on linen has to be done differently than on needlepoint canvas or Congress cloth because linen fabrics will allow the stitches that make the crosses to slip under the linen threads.  This isn't a problem with "over two" cross stitches but if you want smaller ones, you have to build the cross stitch a certain way.

Have fun testing this!  Many thanks to GAR's students for their interesting discussion of this problem.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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