Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Designs

Kimberly has finished her Mother's Rocker bicornui, a riff upon her Mother's Rocker chart. I think it is lovely! As I understand it, this will be taught in a class Kimberly is doing in Florida. It might be available as a painted canvas later. I'm not sure about that.

Janet Granger has just finished a new set of designs for her miniature doll house kits.  These are all based on Berlin woolwork.  There are rugs, chair seats, cushions, and more--all suitable for a Victorian doll house.  If you are interested, read carefully to see whether Appleton wool or floss is in the kit you like, and if the design is stitched on 18 count needlepoint canvas or 32 count silk gauze.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


Kimberly said...

Hi Jane,
Thank you for the blog post! Just to keep all updated...Mothers' Rocker Biscornu is a painted canvas and will be available after the class is taught in Huntsville, Alabama this month. I'll post very soon about the when & where of it. Thank you again! Kimberly

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Good to know, Kimberly. I love the Mother's Rocker theme so I am glad to hear it'll actually be available as a painted canvas. Do let us know when, ok?