Thursday, December 24, 2015

Mainely Needlepoint Series Author Interview UPDATED

I haven't read Lea Wait's needlepoint/Maine mysteries yet (a third is just out this month) but if you have or if you are a mystery fan, you will want to read Janet Perry's interview with the author.

Here is the author's website so you can read more about her and her other mysteries.

UPDATE: Lea has added a bibliography of her source material about historical needlepoint to her website.  Have fun tracking down the sources.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright December 10, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


NCPat said...

This is a great series of books!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I have the first two but haven't read them yet. I've got too many deadlines to read much these days. Maybe in 2016....

Mom55 said...

Merry Christmas Jane! Thanks for the gift of your blog! Liz

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, Liz! Happy New Year to us All!