Friday, October 21, 2016


No, we aren't talking that PBS science program that Carl Sagan so memorably narrated in the 1980s.
youtube cosmos carl sagan

I'm talking about Cosmo embroidery floss, an Egyptian cotton floss dyed in Japan. Cosmo is available as a six ply silky cotton, as a variated cotton floss and as a metallic floss.    It is widely available in the USA in quilting shops.

There are over 400 colors available in the embroidery floss line.  If you need a lot of shades of one color, Cosmo appears to have 6-7 shades quite often.  Folks who plan to stitch Patricia Spencer's Twister, take note!

Seasons is what the variegated line is called.  There appear to be 73 color combos.

Sparkles is the line of metallic floss.  There are 7 colors here.

For more information here is the company's website.

I've also found a DMC-Cosmo conversion chart so you can substitute colors easier.

UPDATE: Here is Mary Corbet's review of their variegated cotton floss.

UPDATE #2:  Rittenhouse has a little video on this wonderful cotton floss.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright September 15, 2016 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


Sara Leigh said...

Cosmo floss is fantastic! A local quilt shop, Web Frabrics in Purcellville, VA, carries it. So of course, I've purchased my favorite colors. The range of shades in most colors is better than in any other floss I've seen. The feel is luxurious and the sheen lovely. I highly recommend trying this out. It's slightly more expensive than DMC bought in most needlework shops. (Nothing close to the cost in a Michael's, AC Moore, or Hobby Lobby, where it's heavily discounted.) I usually use silk, but when I want or need to use cotton, I go for the Cosmo. Web also carries the full line of colors in the Presencia Finca #8 and #12 pearl cotton, also many more colors than any other pearl cotton.

Donna said...

Ha. Sara Leigh beat me to it. Echoing her love of Cosmo.