Sunday, October 30, 2022

Self-Finishing: The Movie

The Needlepoint Clubhouse in the St. Louis area has posted a short video tutorial on self-finishing on the shop's Instagram account.

The box is by Rachel Barri, the canvas is also probably a Rachel Barri design. 

Looks like she used a knitting blocking set.  There are several types of interlocking foam blocking boards so shop around for the best price and a set large enough for your typical needlepoint sizes.  I'd recommend using stainless steel t-pins instead of the comb tooth variety in the video, by the way.  Those are ok for a small piece but you'll need t-pins for larger projects, especially if they need a lot of blocking.  

I think the yellow tool she uses is a plastic leather burnisher.  I've seen them in the big box craft stores.  I think a butter knife is a good substitute.

It's actually easy to do self-finishing.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright October 7, 2022 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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