Monday, February 10, 2025

Gift Ideas for Your Stitching Friends

Gay Ann Rogers posted ideas for great gifts for stitching friends on her website last December. Nothing was terribly expensive but everything was a gift that any stitcher would enjoy.

She suggested that stitching friends trade off designs that have areas to be ripped.  It's a lot easier to take out stitches for someone else's project than your own--you don't sit there kicking yourself for messing up!  By the way, Gay Ann likes the Bohin folding seam ripper.  Shop around as prices vary.  I choose this link because it shows various colors and how they fold and unfold well.  I have one and they are well made and sharp.

Gay Ann also suggests trading off sections of your project.  She says during her teaching days friends would often switch pieces so that one who was really good a cutwork could do that on both designs while their buddy would do lovely satin stitches.  You'll always have good memories about that section that was a bear because your friend did it for you!

By the way, the Pointing It Out podcast, with Megan and Melissa, discusses their gift guide for Christmas 2024.  It's no longer Christmas but hey, gifts are appropriate all through the year!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright December 7, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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