I didn't get a chocolate bunny this year or a painted egg. I got a Squiggee!
Gail Hendrix produces two series of NP designs each year. One is under The Point of It All's design name and is is larger, classic designs. The other is small, fun ornaments under her Squiggee name. The first link is Gail's Blog, which showcases various canvases and shows off charming photographs of the real Squiggee.
She also does custom designs. I saw a frog weight that Gail had designed which had lots of underwater images and I just loved the koi on it. I asked Gail if she would do an 18 count ornament just featuring the koi. And here it is! She even sent the little colored pearls to decorate the design.
Many of the Squiggee ornaments have beads, charms or buttons to add to their fun. I have no idea where Gail finds all these little things but I think the pearls in their varying sizes and colors add a great deal to the canvas. My little Halloween stocking, which is also from Squiggee, has buttons for the trick or treat kids' costume masks. Very cute!
I'm trying to rationalize stitching both of these right away. For now, my koi and my Halloween stocking are hidden in a drawer so I can't spend all my time drooling over them instead of finishing my last little Japanese girl for the ANG Auction.If you have absolutely no self control, I think both designs are still available....
Signed, The Master Enabler
also blogging at http://360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow