Last night I managed to pull myself together enough to rip out the yellow edging on Fan's left sleeve. Then I restitched it. If you look at yesterday's photo, you can compare the look of the slant I used today to the one I tried yesterday that I didn't like. The moral of all this is to use your pencil on your copy of your canvas. If I'd done this, I would have had a better idea of how to orient the long stitches.
I also pulled out a few of the border stitches right under Fan's geta sandals. The bottom edge of the border is one thread narrower than the top. So unlike Butterfly (the other Asian girl in the set) Fan's border is not the same on all four sides. This is fine, my stitch is easy to compensate and the compensation along the bottom won't be noticeable, but I forgot this was the case when I put the stitches in around her feet. So they came out also but I ran out of time to restitch this area.
I also stitched the rest of Fan's hair. The side near her cheek is almost done. The stitching's done but somehow I need to add a bit more of my black Soy Fiber there to build it up to look like the slightly poofy top of her head. So this isn't quite finished but it is close.
I hope to work on the border and background tonight and perhaps finish the stitch on her kimono.
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