Fan's broad yellow border is done now, so I need to turn my attention to the things I need to do to finish her up so she and her companion canvas Butterfly can head off to the finisher in plenty of time for the ANG Auction.
I need to do several things with her kimono--finish the last sleeve in backwards I stitch, then add the gold dots and green trefoil leaf pattern, and finally add the green edging to one sleeve. Then I have to tackle her fan (should I use beads there?) and the butterfly in her other hand. I also have to finish the pale yellow backgroud on her right side and stitch the rose border including a row of tent on the outside to make life easier for the World's Greatest Finisher, Summer.
There's a lot to go but much of it won't take long. Hurrah! The end is in sight!
And double hurrah--it is finally spring in Chilly Hollow. The redbuds are blooming and the dogwoods are thinking about it. And we have Virginia bluebells everywhere. See the photo above? The buds are pink but they turn blue as they blossom. There are masses of them covering Morgan's Island in front of my house. It looks smoky blue there each morning when I drive to work. And there are plenty along the driveway, too. I took a photo for you. It's odd but in another month the flowers, those broad green leaves, everything will have vanished entirely.
And next spring, they will come back to enchant me all over again.
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