Friday, May 23, 2008

Tent Stitches Without Jagged Lines

Last week I got a nice note from Marj who has an alternate method of making a diagonal row of tent stitches look less jagged. She simply runs a thread underneath the row once she makes it. It's like doing trame except you put the underlying thread in after you do the top stitches.

Marj learned this technique from Marion Scoular's book "Advice is...." Apparently, Marion's mother taught her the technique. Always listen to Mom!

I don't own this book, having only seen it once and that copy was for display only. Guess I'll add it to my Christmas wish list.

Thank you, Marj!

By the way, anyone interested in learning more about stitching curves and circles on NP canvas might enjoy reading the late Mary Duckworth's article about this, reprinted on the ANG website from the 1978 Needle Pointers where it originally appeared.

Main blog at


Anonymous said...

Any article by Mary Duckworth is worth reading. She was my proctor when I did ANG teacher certification many moons ago. Mary had forgotten more than I ever hope to learn. But learn I did, she was one of my favorite people and truely a master of needlework!


very gud...


very gud one....

keep it up

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thank you, Sue. I didn't connect the dots that Mary Duckworth wrote the article that ANG reprinted on their website until you mentioned it. I've always admired her designs, some of which you can see here.

I always hoped that I'd find the two Asian fishing theme pieces on eBay one day, especially since Mary lived in VA and I do, too.

The free project in the link above is beautiful and very Asian. Thanks, Mary, wherever you are!

Jane, waving to Sue from CH

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks for the compliments, Traveller. By the way, your comment didn't show up because I have to ok each comment here. I am cautious about letting just anyone post messages, so they have to be ok'd by me first and I only check in the morning and evening to see if there's anything. In other words, it can take a while for a comment to show up since I'm not online all day.

