Saturday, September 20, 2008

September 2008 Chilly Hollow Newsletter Article

Normally this article directs you to many websites of interest to needlepointers but this month we are all going over to visit Mary Corbet's website. It is a fabulous resource full of things like an explanation of goldwork threads, a comparison of floche to flower thread, book reviews, an article with many photos of the new Evertite frames, another article about how to set up a slate frame for embroidery, photos of the newest Gilt Sylke Twist colors (brown, green and black), information about teaching kids to stitch, an article about white work, video tutorials of fancy embroidery stitches, many great photos of old ecclesiastical embroidery and much much MUCH more.

Why don't you start by reading the Trish Burr interview? It's in two parts so there are two links. Don't forget to look at her website when you come across the link!

And after that, why don't we all meet at the home page and just browse our way to the end?

Have fun!

Main blog at


NCPat said...

Amazing work! All of it in a single strand!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Generally the long short stitch combos are in one ply. That takes a while longer but it is really easy to build up areas or hide mistakes.

I usually do the first outlining in two plies and then switch to one ply for on top. That saves a bit of time but I don't turn out beauties like this, either!
