My "local" needlework shop, Needlewoman East, is having a Leigh truck show, and thanks to a slow day at work Friday and some vacation time, I got to see it in all its glory. I've always liked Leigh Designs canvases and since I own one of her little round ornaments (the red one from the Chinese Dynasty set with the amazing dragon which you see above), I thought I'd see if I could pick up a second ornament, but one painted on the very lovely sea green canvas of the South Seas set. Let me tell you, it was worth the hour drive one-way and the sacrifice of three hours of vacation time to see this trunk show!
Here are the various dynasty ornaments. As you can see, each set draws from an historical period and culture for its images. Sadly the two South Sea ornaments with ladies on them I like and the palm tree one were all gone and the tiki and fish designs left didn't appeal to me. By the way, the photos don't show how beautiful the background canvas color is for these designs. It really is Sea Green! Guess I'll wait and pick up a mate for my dragon later. I was really tempted by two of the red ones from the Egyptian set, the papyrus and blue bird ones, but decided I wanted another color than red to round out my pair.
So I browsed all the canvases sent for the Leigh trunk show, and it was like opening a treasure chest and lifting out one fabulous jewel after another. You can't tell from the pictures on the Leigh Designs website much about the intensity of color and how important the backgrounds are to her canvases. Let me show you the new boot canvases. Charming, right? The photos don't show the mottled brown color wash on the background that will enable you to stitch no background at all and still have a work of art.
The same thing is true of the Slovak designs. The backgrounds are painted with vibrant stripes which makes these riots of color and pattern. You don't see how clear and deep the colors are until you hold one in your hand.
And the Brazil designs with birds are on a true pink canvas. You can't see it in the photos, but the pink background canvas gives these a tropical glow. I was seriously tempted by Rumba and Cha-Cha.
These colorful pieces aren't all that Leigh designs, however. You have to see the subtle line of the penguins and puffins to really appreciate what she does. See the faint pattern in the background from Northwestern Native American art? Contrast that with the strong, dark colors of the birds and you have something that would be a restful pleasure to stitch and enjoy for years to come.
I think the pumpkin canvases are going to be wildly popular. There were still a few of each for me to see. Leigh uses real pumpkin and squash colors but twines their vines to add touches that, combined with the cut out eyes and mouths, brings these to evil life. Sadly my favorite--Franken--was sold out so I didn't get to see him in person.
I guess I should mention the classics which are still for sale in case any of you are close enough to go see Leigh's work for yourselves. The orchids are amazing and Leigh is doing large florals now. The large florals are almost gone, so hurry!
The Carnavale masks, whether large or small, are going fast. I had no idea the black backgrounds were so glittery, but of course metallics don't show up in person. The glitter seems to be woven into the needlepoint canvas! I understand Ruth Dilts has stitched one of these as a model. I hope to see that somewhere as I'd love to know how a master stitcher handles all the glitz without dimming it any. By the way, this link below also has the Bali drama masks. They are astounding in person, with great detail and a lot of color. I can understand now why Rosalyn Cherry-Soleil is so taken with the Chinese masks (second link).
The Mad Hatter Ladies were on display as were the Starlets. I had no idea those movie stars had such beautiful features! You can't see the firm chins and Mona Lisa smiles in photos because of the amazing hats and jewelry. Luckily you can tell how funny and charming the Mad Hatters are in photos. They are classics and have been popular for years.
I saved my favorites for last, although I would encourage you to just go to the home page of Leigh Designs and browse the huge range of sizes, styles and colors that she does for us. I only talked about the pieces that caught my eye but Leigh has been doing this a while and has a lot of canvases for almost any taste (don't miss the Tall Ships!).
Luckily for my bank account, most of these were sold out or a geisha, a cowgirl and a Las Vegas showgirl might be living in Chilly Hollow today! These are all big canvases, although the tall and elegant geishas are the largest, and they are major impact pieces even before they are stitched. I can't imagine what they look after thread and beads and stitches are added.
Jane, still drooling here in Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
The birds are incredible! I love all of these and thanks for sharing! I am so jealous you got to see these!!
Leigh Designs canvases are unbelievable in person, Pat. You would have loved the birds--each one was beautifully stitch-painted but they didn't look crude or blocky. The colors are as clear and strong as Melissa Shirley pieces and the designs spectacular!
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