Here you see the second piece of finishing foam, covered with my brocade fabric. Also in the photo is my fake ivory Buddha bead that I'll use to pull open the magnetic flap of the photo album which will be covered by my round piece of needlepoint. I cut a length of brown DMC linen thread, made a loop and stuck the loop through the bead with the loose ends coming out of the bottom. I then tied several knots to hold the bead and fringed the ends which weren't plied to begin with. I like the rough look of the linen with my brown suede photo album and the NP canvas itself.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
I love this fabric and the bead is awesome!
Thanks, Pat. I was thrilled to find the bead and thrilled again when I realized it would look good with this project. I was considering a fabric covered button which would have been a lot harder to make (the satin brocase is THICK) and wouldn't have looked as good.
Jane, you have much more patience than I for your finishing. I commend you. I was totally frustrated by my finishing efforts this past weekend & I am very impressed!
D&L, finishing is all about patience and having basic sewing skills and a bit of imagination.
I prefer rushing through things but finishing can't be rushed. I don't enjoy it but it saves big bucks and it also is interesting to figure out How and gather the materials. Sometimes what I come up with looks pretty good, too!
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