Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hearts, Eyebrow Brush, Fur--But Still No Flowers

Holi got fur last night. In the photo above you see the card of white Wisper I used (one strand in a simple brick stitch over two threads) and also my eyebrow brush. The brush was a gift from my friend Mimi to use to make fuzzy threads fuzzier. It is perfect to brush up the delicate Wisper to turn it from somewhat lumpy-looking brick stitch into soft and touchable "fur."

Here is Rainbow Gallery's information about Wisper. Compare the diameter of it in the photo to the purple thread you see. The purple is four plies of Splendor. Please note that RG says to double the strand on 18 count but in brick stitch, it looked too heavy so I only used one strand.

I took before and after photos but since the thread is white, you really couldn't see the difference. In person, it is very obvious how much improved the Wisper is once it is brushed left, right, up, down, etc.

I need to add the nose and eye, then sttich a bit of background around Holi's head. The reason I will do this next (as well as another row of diagonal hearts which I added to last night) is to do with the flowers I keep mentioning but not stitching....

Stay tuned!

P.S. If you have the broad Revlon eyebrow tweezers, you might want to see how they are used in gold metal embroicery.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at

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