Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Flowers, More Skirt

Holi has a few more flowers on her halo (I'll talk about them when I am sure they are all done) and a couched dividing live between the outer and inner heart-covered skirt.

The couching is one linke of the heavier #16 braid Kreinik, tied down about every three holes with the skinnier #4 very fine braid Kreinik. The next line that was couched had the couched thread start in a different hole, but I skipped three holes to do each tie down. So the effect is staggered, not a straight line of couching. I also decided to remove the outline around Holi's head. Instead, I restitched all the brick stitches with another strand of Wisper. Wisper's very thin (think wispy beard of a very old Asian man) instead of full (think Santa's beard). In the end, the more I stitched on top of the head, the more the fur seemed thin in comparison.

I need to do a lot more tent stitching on the background, so don't expect much to see for a few days. By the way, the colors are off in the image above. I darkened and sharpened the image so you could see the outlines of the unstitched wing, each of the halo's flowers, etc. better.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow


NCPat said...

This just keeps getting better! I like the staggered stitch line!

MeganH said...

Very pretty flowers.

When I first saw the dividing line, I thought "gilt sylke twist" !

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, e-Rose. I'm glad you like the halo. The dividing line in the skirt is pure Kreinik metallic. It is darker than in real life because I fiddled with the contrast and color saturation to make everything more visible. In real life it's medium green and shinier than the Lincoln Green Gilt Sylke Twist. Not as subtle, in other words, but there's nothing subtle about Holi!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, Pat. I decided to stagger it and see how it looked and I liked it so didn't add more couched Kreinik. I could have, though. That's the nice thing about couching--you can fiddle with it without much pain.