Holi's bodice was stitched this weekend. The stitch is a green framework with fancy interlaced cross shapes inside the frame. I mixed two plies of my medium green DMC with one ply of the lime green DMC and stitched the frame with that. The centers are filled with my red Trebizond silk perle. The final touch is gold beads, one at the center of each cross shape and one at the end of each arm of the cross.
I wanted Holi to have an Elizabethean collar for some unknown reason. It just seemed "right" and since I had a sample of red Ultrasuede, I had a thread thick and stiff enough to stitch large lazy daisy stitches which are not tacked down at the tip. That makes the lace part. They are a bit mashed by lying face down on the scanner but you get the general idea.
I've started the wings, using my medium green DMC cotton floss (4 plies). The leaf stitch I'm going to use has four parts, and right now I plan to use my three shades of green DMC floss. I don't know what the fourth color will be but I'm considering yellow, red and turquoise. Stay tuned to see what crazy thing I do next!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Jane, this has to be my favorite of all the Guardian Angels. Your collar treatment is perfect, clever girl. Can't wait to see the wings.
I second that! You are doing beautiful combinations on this! NICE!
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