As you can see, I completely abandoned the basketweave background marathon last night and concentrated on stitching the Golden Rabbit's wings. The white thread is my ivory and gold Silk Lame Braid, while the golden thread is the Lorikeet wool. I used only two plies of the wool here so as not to completely hide the Silk Lame Braid. Once the rows of stitches were in place, I filled in the empty spots betwen stitches with my pale copper beads from Toho. It took a while to stitch everything and I'm not 100% sure that the edges are compensated properly, but today I'll fill in the background around the wings and figure out if there are places that need padding out where they meet my DMC ecru perle background stitches.
I also gave the rabbit a necklace of little gold Mill Hill Petite beads. The pale copper beads didn't look good against the brown of her neck fur, so I went with gold.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
Lovely! The wings look great!
I'm glad you like them, Liz. They have a subtle sparkle in person from the beads the camera doesn't capture. I like how they turned out.
Me, too! This looks great and the closeup shows us how really pretty this is!
Hi Jane,
I think the golden bunny is lovely. The beaded wings are a really special touch. Now you're making it difficult to choose my favorite. :)
Madonna, they are all my favorites. Each had a special touch I loved. Really great designs, thanks to Kandace Merric.
Thanks for the lovely compliment, Pat. This is turning into a real beauty.
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