Sunday, May 24, 2009

Golden Rabbit Finished

While the computer was in the shop, I finished the basketweaved background around Kandace Merric's Georgian Rabbit, the last of the six pet guardian angels that I'm stitching to add to a group of these ornaments that will be auctioned next fall at ANG's Seminar to raise money for ANG programs. You see the Golden Rabbit above. Note that her halo is surrounded by three gold Mill Hill beads topped by a pale copper Toho bead for contrast.

Below you see the Golden Rabbit with the final touch added--a Mill Hill "Glass Treasure" which is a glass charm that has a hole in the top leg of the star. I simply sewed it on with a few passes of a ply of cream silk through the ecru background stitches. I like this final touch and feel lucky I noticed the star at Scarlet Thread during my stopover there on the way to the computer repair place. Thanks, Sara Leigh! Hope you all like how she turned out.

The next step is to finish all the ornaments and write up instructions so that the other folks stitching angels have something to use to finish their ornaments themselves. I plan to post step by step instructions here and then send a more coherent and polished set of instructions to the participants in this stitch-along. Whether you stitched an angel or not, I hope you find the instructions helpful. I'm going to start working on them this holiday weekend.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at


Love to Stitch 99 said...


All the ornaments in this series are quite pretty and it would be difficult to choose one over the others.

I have really enjoyed watching you stitch every one of them.

Pierrette =^..^=

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks, Pierette. They were a delight to stitch. Kandace Merric did a magnificent job creating them for us!

Sara Leigh said...

I think she (I think of this one as female) turned out lovely. I like the halo, and the beads finished that off just right. The star is the perfect finish. She really did need something in her paws.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

You are right, Sara Leigh. I'll always think of you when I look at the star. It is perfect!

Skysmylimit said...

These are beautiful. I've been reading your blog for a while now and thank you for your insight and for inspiring me! I'm wondering if there is a shop where I can purchase the guardian angel canvas or is there a chart I can purchase?

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Hi, Sky. Nice to meet you!

The six pet guardian angel canvases were published in Needle Pointers magazine in 1996-1997. If you tell me which angel you like best, I'll let you know which issue to look for either on eBay or at the ANG website. (You can buy some back issues from them if they still have spares in stock.)

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Sky, I forgot to say these are line drawings you transfer to canvas, not a chart. You put the line drawing on canvas and then fill in the areas with the stitches diagrammed in the article. It's really easy. Kandy Merric does good directions.