The endless basketweave marathon continued last night but I did make a start on the Golden Rabbit's wings. Here you go, Liz! You've been asking what I planned to do. This time I didn't really plan, I just browsed through "Sundance Beads for Needlepoint: How To & Why Knot." The booklet has 25 unnamed stitches in the back that the Sundance folks like using when beading. The diagonal flow appealed to me and I thought the stitch would look nice with the ones I used on the pet guardian angel's robe. I didn't plan to alternate my ivory Silk Lame Braid with my overdyed golden Gloriana silk floss. It just happened as I was studying the stitch diagram and deciding which areas were more prominant and where the beads would go. Angel wings are usually white and the ivory mixed with gold was the closest I have to white in my color scheme. The pale copper beads will sit in the unstitched holes once the rows of stitches are laid out.
I still have a lot of background to do. I'll work on that tonight for a while and then switch to filling in more wing area.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
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