You might have noticed I've been fiddling with the look of Blog, changing the titles from pink to navy, changing the header photo, moving some things around, changing the ads and the search box, etc. I have a new header planned but I can't implement it just yet, so today in honor of the "tweets" we are getting from Colubmus, I used a bird theme. This is the view out my window of a pair of blue birds that I noticed yesterday. They may be nesting in this tree; certainly yesterday it was their outside patio as they kept watch for insects, then headed down to the ground to grab one and return to the tree to eat it. They took turns and were there long enough before the skies got overcast and the rains came for me to take photos. In the big header photo you can see them directly under the "ad" and the "en" in Adventure.
Mother Nature certainly gives us wonderful things to enjoy.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow
I had to make my Safari window HUGE to see the whole picture. it was worth the effort.
Glad you think so, Marianne. The header size I can't adjust. Heaven only knows I tried this morning! (And probably puzzled Blog visitors at the time who saw the header changing size, disappearing and reappearing again.
Hi Jane,
Oh the Bluebirds are wonderful, so glad you caught them together. I'm sure Chilly Hollow is a haven for birds.
I saw three together on the same tree this morning. I guess it's a family!
Jane, off to buy bird seed a bit early here in CH
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