By stitching quite a bit yesterday, I managed to work seven rows of background, leaving me just six to go. Those six will take several evenings but the end is in sight! I'm holding off stitching Cha's tail feathers to keep me going on the background rows. Wish me luck!
While I stitch and think about my next project, you might want to do a little thinking about your next project as lots and lots of new monthly clubs are available. Chaparral has added the Give Thanks little boxes to their series of clubs. Click on the photo to see the stitched individual pieces that show the fall foliage, flowers and fruits that decorate each item.
2 the Point has gone in for seasonal designs, one with birds and one with seasonal symbols such as sail boats. These are all small with stitch guides written by Terry Christopher.
What's the Point? has two new clubs, one a Nutcracker ornament set and the other a bird watcher's club. Again, click on the photo to see the entire set.
The final club is from The Needlepointer, who have a tiny village to stitch. What fun!
UPDATE: I just discovered the cute village is from Squiggee (Gail Hendrix), who has a lovely photo of the designs on her blog.
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at
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We are cheering you towards your finish line of background rows. The look is stunning. Your enabling has not faltered in the heat. Amazing!
I can enable from my death bed. That's what being a Master Enabler is about! LOL
Thanks for the cheers, Robin. It does seem that the background is taking forever even though I've been stitching a little every day or so. Cha is just a very big girl!
You are an inspiration Jane. I have a Christmas stocking with an endless background. With you as an example, how can I falter? I *love* what you are doing with Cha and I can hardly wait to see what comes next! Indiana Robin
Thanks, Robin. I'm glad you like how Cha is developing and that my struggles with endless background help you with yours.
Next will be soon. I finished the background on Cha last night!
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