Thursday, April 28, 2011

Red Geisha Mishaps

Red Geisha Blue Lines Version One
Folks who read Blog sometimes think I Know It All.  I don't always talk about the dead ends, the ripping out, the hours spent playing around with stitches or browsing my stitching books looking for inspiration.  However, these mistakes are what make for better stitchers. If you don't know something is wrong and try to fix it, you never advance your stitching skills.

In the photo of Red Geisha above, look at the pink line down below her nose that is flanked with two blue lines.  There are other blue lines to the left of that pink area, too.  All those are stem stitched using Silk Lame Braid (size 18), which is a silk/metallic thread that is lightly twisted.  It's a pretty thread and added a lot of shine to the canvas.  But I stopped using it because it looked clumsy and awkward stitched up.  The thread (although I liked the color and the bit of metallic sheen) was too heavy for the area.

I switched to the slightly smaller Trebizond, which is a size 8 perle in silk and laid it along the painted blue lines, then couched it down with a #8 fine braid Kreinik in a similar blue so that I had the same sparkle that I liked with the Silk Lame Braid.  Here's what it looked like after--

Red Geisha Blue Lines Version Two
I prefer the couched version myself.  It looks smoother and doesn't stand out too much.  The moral is Don't Settle for something that bugs you. You can probably come up with something better if you take the time to think about what you like (the sparkle) and what you don't (the thickness of the thread and the jagged line of stem stitch) and come up with ways to minimize what you don't care for while preserving what you do.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at and at


Margaret said...

Good choice.

palma said...

Agree with you, it looks great couched. Never thought about couching Trebizon. Actually Trebizon drives me nuts; couching it? I can do that. By the way, you DO know it all Jane :)

mskathk said...

Thanks for explaining how much 'pre-work' and reverse stitching goes into each project. It inspires me not to settle, but to regard all stitching as progress, even if I have to re-do it.