Friday, May 6, 2011

Cynthia's Hair

Yesterday I received a wonderful note and two photographs from Cynthia D. who has a great tale of hair stitched--and the hope of another piece with hair in her near future.

Cynthia wrote:

"I am attaching a photo of the hair I did on my daughters Christmas stocking in 2004. I was in a class with Susan Portra at My Friend and Eye in Huntington Beach. We used Needlepoint Inc Silk in 4 shades. She had me scotch stitch the head first and then we layered the waves and curls over that base. And I mean we-I was too nervous at first so Susan stitched the first few waves and after practicing on a side canvas I took a deep breath and just started.

My daughter is expecting and if she has a girl I’ll be stitching Jenny by Sandra Gilmore-lots of hair to do."

We have our fingers crossed for you, Cynthia!  We love little boys as much as little girls, but oh--That would be gorgeous hair!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at and at


patt said...

Cynthia did a fantastic job on the hair -- love the effect.

Anonymous said...

The hair on Cynthia's stocking is a wonder to behold! The whole stocking just sings!!


Watch Charmed Online said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm quite fascinated with the beautiful hair. But WHY would she lay a foundation of Scotch stitches?
Carolyn S.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

The layer of Scotch stitches probably serves two functions--it is padded for the top layer, helping to raise it up off the canvas slightly so the hair is a bit higher than the angel's face; and the bottom layer also helps ensure complete coverage. There won't be any bare canvas peaking out through thin spots in the hair.

I've often tent stitched my hair (using fewer plies than usual to make it easier for the needle to go through) and then put French knots on top. Once I even used some tent stitches in black along the part to give the illusion of bleached blonde hair showing at the roots. But I've never done other types of stitches as a foundation. I'll have to rethink limiting myself to tent stitch foundations for hair!