Friday, September 23, 2011

Elizabeth I Portrait Gallery UPDATED

Since there has been so much interest in my comments about stitching Miko's face, I thought Blog readers would enjoy visiting Gay Ann Rogers' website which currently features her portrait of Queen Elizabeth I.  Not only do you get to see Gay Ann's portrait and read her own ideas about stitching faces and hands, you will be able to see the companion portraits of Bess of Harwick and Mary, Queen of Scots, and also see her students' Queen Elizabeths, each slightly different with their own personality despite the fact that this is counted canvaswork, and each student worked their face from a graph.

It's a fascinating study of  just how much personality you can put into a face with only a few stitches.  Each face is slightly different which I find marvelous!

UPDATE:  Facial differences aren't the only ones, just the most obvious.  Ann talks about how and why her Elizabeth, stitched as a test model, differs from the one Gay Ann Rogers designed.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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