Thursday, February 23, 2012

Landscape Stitches on the iPad

A lot of folks are hooked on eBook Readers, whether they are varieties of Kindles or Nooks, the iPad series from Apple, or smart phones like the iPhone or Android phones.  Melita has done us all a service by showing off the screen of her iPad with the stitch she is using for the sky for her current piece.  The eBook she is using is Landscape Stitches from the Little Shoppe folks.  Of course this is available as a physical book as well.

This book is optimized for the iPod Touch or iPhone, not the iPad, but you can use the controls to increase the size of the diagram and that is what Melita shows us here--the difference between the 1X and 2X settings on her iPad.  She tells us a little about the eBook in her article, too.

All this is useful information if you are thinking about splurging on an eBook and want to know if it looks better on an iPhone than an iPad.  We all have different sorts of eyes and what works for me might not work for you and vice versa.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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