Saturday, May 12, 2012

Searching for Petei

Petei's sudden retirement due to health reasons has left shops scrambling to fill open orders and people who collect various Petei series high and dry. I've already seen several cries for help.  If you happen to have one of these missing items, how about helping these folks out?

If you are hunting for a certain Petei canvas to complete a series, where do you look?  The correct answer is EVERYWHERE.  Online shops often only have a select few canvases on their websites, and those that are shown are often out of date with sold items not removed.  But here are places to start, if you remember that there are no guarantees.

Needle Nicely has posted photos of a series of Petei canvases they have in the shop on their blog.  Remember, many of these may have sold since these articles were posted.

UPDATE:  More Petei canvases, including fairies and stockings, from Needle Nicely.

The French Knot in Texas did a lot of Petei Santas with stitch guides over the years.  They may have a Santa or two in stock still.

Bristly Thistle has some Santas as well.  UPDATE:  Bristly Thistle is now completely sold out of their Petei canvases.  Sorry.

OId World Designs also did several series of Petei designs, mostly in the Children of the World set if I remember correctly.  A few may still be lurking in their stockroom although none are pictured on their website.

Needlenook of La Jolla had a dozen Petei canvases on their website last weekend but they have all vanished now.  I don't know if it is a website problem, or if they all sold, but you can always ask.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Silly me, I forgot about Canvases Be Gone.  Use the search box at the upper right to enter "Petei" to see what canvases are available.  If you have Peteis available on your website or in your shop, please let me know either by emailing me at chilly hollowat hot maildot com or by adding a comment below.  Thanks for the reminder, Dale!

Of course eBay is also a good place to hunt, but remember, you are not the only person looking for that last Alice in Wonderland piece.  It is likely that you'll have to pay a higher price than you are used to for a Petei canvas to complete your set.

The best advice I can give you is to check at your local shop first.  They won't be able to order a Petei canvas for you, but if they have some in stock, you may get lucky.  Anyone who can travel should also check each local needlework shop they visit, just in case. Hopefully online shops will continue to highlight any Petei canvases they have so that folks can pick up the few they wanted.

FINAL UPDATE? PFOS lists all their remaining Petei stock.

Good luck to all the Petei fans out there!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Dale M said...

And of course CanvasesBeGone has any number of Petei's at really good prices!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Silly me! How could I forget you, Dale?! I'll update the article right away with a link.


karen said...

Chris tells me that they've (Bristly Thistle) been cleaned out of Peteis.

Michele Herron said...

Hi Jane

We have sold the last of our Petei designs. Let's hope someone picks up the line.


The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Thanks for the update, Karen and Michele. I've updated the article to note that Bristly Thistle is empty of Petei canvases now.